Mother Nurture Breastfeeding Support Services

Kerri L. Koke Zandberg RN, BScN, IBCLC, CHLC,

International Board Certified Lactation Consultant

Certified Holistic Lactation Consultant



Kerri is a Registered Nurse in Private Practice and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She has been working with breastfeeding mothers since 1995. She specializes in Holistic Lactation, going into more depth around diet, nutrition, the microbiome, herbs and supplements and their impact on milk supply and the overall breastfeeding experience.

She supports the mother/baby dyad as a whole to make the most of this wonderful but often stressful time of life. Often mothers become more aware of their own wellness issues once they have children and are often ready to make changes for themselves and their babies. Message her today to ask any questions about the services she offers!


An Initial Lactation Consultation is usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours and includes a medical, birth and breastfeeding history, observation and assessment of breastfeeding, oral assessment, pre and post feeding weights and suggestions around supplements/herbal/dietary support. A plan of care is given to the client after the consult and support for the plan and questions are answered in a timely manner and included in the initial consult fee. A follow-up appointment is usually 1 hour. On average 2-3 consultations can make a huge difference in your breastfeeding experience and success.


Email Kerri at:

Or message her at her facebook page:

Or TEXT ONLY: 810-399-2017